To really be a success in the restaurant industry you must truly have a passion for all that you do. Everything from the food you cook through to the service you provide must be drenched with love for the job that you’re doing. Lebanese food is a true passion for us and we pour every ounce of effort into ensuring that the food we serve does justice to the grand traditions of the country.
*Please note the Advisors for any dietary requirements
*The maincourses can be prepared Gluten free upon request.
V- Vegetarian
Vg- Vegan
C- Celiac
N- Contains nuts
Vegetarian/Vegan option available
x8 - 7.50
Made with our secret spice flour and fried until crispy, tossed in a variety of awesome sauces
All of our extra crispy burgers are served with the softest brioche, house made condiments and incredible sauces!
V Vg
The best vegan burgers in town.
You won't believe it ain't chicken!
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